Whenever you feel you need to. If you feel “I wish I could talk to someone”, “no one is understanding my problem”, “I feel stuck”, “I don’t see any way out of this situation”, “I am feeling low/anxious/stressed out” etc.
Your mental health and well-being is very important. You should visit a psychologist if you are
-going through a state of transition in life which is stressful for you
-having adjustment issues
-feeling less confident
-have feelings hopeless or worthless
-having thoughts of hurting yourself or you hurt yourself
-facing issues with your relationships
-feeling emotionally overwhelmed
-do not feel like socializing, you notice yourself withdrawing from others
-unable to work or study, difficulties in concentration, memory, learning
-experiencing Anxiety, fear, having repetitive thoughts
-dealing with trauma
-having issues with sleep or appetite
-having body image issues
-wanting to check the use of substances such as alcohol, weed etc.
-dealing with bullies, abuse or violence at the moment.
The sooner you seek help the better.