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Scope in Psychology
21 May, 2021

Scope in Psychology

A common question I get asked is what was your journey like while you studied Psychology and what is the scope of Psychology in India. Here is a brief writing about my experience and what can you do if you take up Psychology as a subject.

Year end
21 May, 2021

Important things you must do Last Day of the Year.

Yes, there were bad days (like every year), but you survived them, healed and looked ahead. Pat yourself!

 Fearless authentic
21 May, 2021

How to be more Authentic and not let others affect you

Most of our behaviour is based on what others are going to think about us. Being a part of the society a lot of our actions and thoughts are derived from what we see and learn.

Understand Bullies and How to Deal with them
23 Nov, 2020

Understand Bullies and How to Deal with them

Bullies are people who deliberately seek to harm or intimidate those who they understand as vulnerable. People can be bullied from very early school days or even face similar situations later in their life at work place and family life.